Farid Abdulbaki
Artist, sculptor, ceramics, micro mosaics


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AL Madinah AL Munawwarah
AL Madinah AL Munawwarah
Hamam alzanki
Hamam alzanki
Damascus Amaoin
Damascus Amaoin
watercolor on paper
watercolor on paper
Souk alhamidia
Souk alhamidia
Good Morning Berlin sold
Good Morning Berlin sold
Here silence pervaded the line’s of the story
Here silence pervaded the line’s of the story
Aleppo city
Aleppo city
The city’ and my hart
The city’ and my hart
First Impression of Victoria
First Impression of Victoria
Water will Hama in Syria
Water will Hama in Syria
House from cook st
House from cook st
Umayyad Jameyh  view
Umayyad Jameyh view
Aleppo citadel
Aleppo citadel
Homs khaldiya Avenue
Homs khaldiya Avenue
Bael shamin palmyra 1
Bael shamin palmyra 1
Souk Alhamidh  Damascus
Souk Alhamidh Damascus
Pastion square Victoria Canada
Pastion square Victoria Canada
Fourty   Avenue Homs city 1926
Fourty Avenue Homs city 1926
Aleppo Armenian avenue
Aleppo Armenian avenue
Old Damascus zokak
Old Damascus zokak
Old Damascus
Old Damascus
Victoria Pandora
Victoria Pandora
Rasty memorys
Rasty memorys
Greetings from Berlin
Greetings from Berlin
Women's Church Dresden, 15.75 x 11.75 inches sold
Women's Church Dresden, 15.75 x 11.75 inches sold
On the Bridge in Venice, 12.5 x 9.5 inches sold
On the Bridge in Venice, 12.5 x 9.5 inches sold
On the Bridge in Prague, 12.5 x 9.5 inches
On the Bridge in Prague, 12.5 x 9.5 inches
Academia in Venice, 12.5 x 9.5 inches
Academia in Venice, 12.5 x 9.5 inches
Self portrait in Vienna, 12.5 x 9.5 inches sold
Self portrait in Vienna, 12.5 x 9.5 inches sold
Mueggelstrasse Berlin between two Ages, 12.5 x 9.5 inches sold
Mueggelstrasse Berlin between two Ages, 12.5 x 9.5 inches sold